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Pervasive Computing with Mobiles II

Filed in archive Market by on July 16, 2005

What makes mobiles so interesting when it comes to wearable computing? The new issue of Pervasive Computing gives an answer. As promised yesterday a short overview or you:

Pervasive Computing compares mobiles with wallets. What a wallet does is that it transforms infrastructur into personal services. For example a creditcard: there is an infrastructure for payment but you have this tiny card in your wallet, thats enough to pay (mostly) everywhere.

Overall there are three basic points:

1) Cyber Foraging - means access to server and cpu power over the mobile phone. A good example are real time translations of text or symbols (eg. chinese) while on a trip to Shanghai.

2) Internet suspend/resume - your mobile is the main authentification point, what allows you to use every PC or notebook to sync your profile and settings.
-> "customize a PC on demand"

3) Hotsync anywhere - your mobile manages all hotsync activities for PDA's, PC's and networks.

Stay tuned, more on monday.

(picture shows the nokia 7600 umts mobile)

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